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My Journey in Learning PHP

· 2 min read

Using JS knowlage to build up my PHP skill

In my career, I have learned the basics of PHP, and it has been an important skill for me. However, I wanted to take my PHP skills to the next level and decided to enroll in freeCodeCamp's Frontend and Algorithms course. After completing the course and earning my certificate, I found it easier and faster to build upon my existing PHP knowledge.

The freeCodeCamp course provided a comprehensive understanding of frontend technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also taught me how to solve problems using algorithms, which has been helpful in my PHP development work. I was impressed with the quality of the course material and the interactive learning experience.

Now, as I continue to learn and grow as a developer, I have found that the knowledge and skills I gained from the freeCodeCamp course have helped me immensely. I have a better understanding of how to write efficient and effective code, which has made my PHP projects more streamlined and easier to maintain.

My journey in learning PHP (Training on leetcode) has been rewarding and has opened up new opportunities for me. I encourage anyone who is interested in learning PHP to check out freeCodeCamp's courses and see for themselves the benefits of learning new skills and technologies.